Archive for July 2013

Jenis Kosmetik Bayi dan Manfaatnya

Si Kecil
Penggunaan kosmetik pada bayi tentu saja berbeda dengan penggunaan kosmetik pada orang dewasa. Pemberian kosmetik pada bayi bertujuan untuk pemeliharaan dan perawatan Kulit Bayi Sensitif, mulai dari rambut, kulit kepala hingga seluruh tubuhnya agar selalu bersih dan tetap terjaga kelembabannya.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Posted by Inbound Marketing

Menikmati Segelas Teh Yogurt
Budaya Minum Teh sudah dikenal berabad-abad lamanya di China dan Jepang, dan saat ini telah menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Kebiasaan menikmati secangkir teh panas atau segelas es teh yang segar dapat membantu memulihkan semangat yang menurun setelah beraktivitas. Selain kandungan teh yang memiliki zat antioksidan guna melawan serangan zat radikal bebas, aroma dan rasa khas teh memang memberikan kesejukan tersendiri bagi tubuh. Salah satu menu teh yang dapat anda coba sendiri adalah teh yogurt. Berikut merupakan bahan dan cara pembuatannya.

Bahan :
• Lipton strawberry tea (1 bag tea_
• Yogurt tanpa rasa (2 sdm)
• Air mieral (150 ml)
. Es krim strawberry (1 sendok es krim)
• Gula pasir (2 sdm)
• Nanas segar (2 iris)
• Es batu (secukupnya)

Cara pembuatan :
1. Masukkan Lipton Yellow Label Tea dalam air panas, dan diamkan kemudian dinginkan selama kurang lebih 3 menit.
2. Sembari menunggu anda dapat memblender yogurt, gula pasir, es krim
 strawberry, nanas dan es batu.
3. Masukkan campuran yang telah diblender ke dalam gelas saji, tambahkan teh dan jus buah mangga secara perlahan untuk mendapatkan layer.
4. Tambahkan es krim sebagai pemanis dan pelengkap sajian.
5. Selanjutnya hidangkan dan teh yogurt siap dinikmati.

Sajian nikmat dan mudah ini dapat anda nikmati di kantor atau di rumah bersama dengan keluarga.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Posted by Inbound Marketing

Teh dengan Segudang Manfaat
Beberapa orang mungkin memiliki kebiasaan Minum Teh setiap pagi. Kebiasaan tersebut ternyata bukan hanya membawa ketenangan dan kenyamanan secara psikis, namun juga memberikan segudang manfaat. Teh merupakan bahan minuman kaya flavanol sebagai antioksidan kuat. Antioksidan memiliki peran penting bagi tubuh salah satunya mencegah kerusakan DNA oleh radikal bebas. Radikal bebas dapat memicu terjadinya kanker sehingga secara tidak langsung, kandungan antioksidan dalam teh juga dapat mencegah kanker. Antioksidan lain yang terkandung dalam teh adalah Katekin dan teaflavin, keduanya mampu melindungi oksidasi LDL-kolesterol oleh radikal bebas. Teroksidasinya kolesterol tersebut diduga berperan penting dalam proses atherogenesis yaitu proses awal pembentukan plak pada dinding arteri. Terhambatnya pembentukan plak dalam pembuluh darah tentu saja berdampak pada penurunan resiko  penyakit kardiovaskular

Masih ada lagi manfaat lain dari Minum Teh yang pasti sangat diminati kaum hawa. Teh, terutama teh hijau dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan. Teh hijau mempunyai potensi sebagai termogenesis sehingga mampu meningkatkan pembakaran kalori dan lemak yang berimplikasi terhadap penurunan berat badan. Selain itu, berdasarkan berbagai penelitian, wanita yang mengkonsumsi teh ternyata memiliki ukuran kerapatan mineral tulang (Bone Mineral Density/BMD) lebih tinggi dibandingkan wanita yang tidak mengkonsumsi teh secara teratur.  Hal ini disebabkan senyawa aktif yang terkandung di dalam teh berperan menyerupai hormon esterogen lemah yang membantu melindungi tulang terhadap proses kerapuhan (osteoporosis).
Friday, 19 July 2013
Posted by Inbound Marketing

The Complexity Behind The Simplest Method

For the expert businessman, they must have knows well about some methods of marketing right? And they must have known about the Inbound Marketing and content marketing. Those methods have the same principle of using the email as their best and primary marketing media, but content marketing has a bigger scale compared to the inbound because it is the part of the inbound. Without content marketing, the inbound method cannot be well run on your business for every single purpose because content marketing must have the description and A to Z of your product, business, and services. By the description, what do you think that will be promoted if there are nothing exists as the contents?

Content marketing has more broad topics if it compared with the inbound because without content marketing, you cannot have the inbound. But without inbound, you still can have the content marketing as a traditional marketing methods because it is not spreading by the electronic media or the internet. In short. Whether it is needed to provide by internet or not, and whether it will be the more effective way to promote something, Inbound Marketing is just the systematic method which still needs the content as its biggest part to run the best promotion for your products go public.
Monday, 15 July 2013
Posted by Inbound Marketing

Let’s Get Closer To Them

When you have decided to make the promotion of any products through the Inbound Marketing, that means you have agreed to get closer to your customers. Several years ago, people were more confused when they must get closer to the consumers just for doing some of marketing stuff. Several years ago, these consequences are always made by the traditional ways such as through the mail or telephone which usually make their customers getting madder rather than attract them. But now, to get closer to the customers, you can find other ways which also have a lesser risk compared to the traditional ways.

By using the internet technology, you can get closer to your customers and other people by sent them an email for any new offers. Nowadays, there are some bank, finance and insurance which have taken this method to make sure that their clients having informed about their monthly offers. Moreover, Inbound Marketing also can be done by the marketing automation. By doing those methods, you can still promote and introducing the products or services without interrupting other people’s path and without annoying some people with the phone ringing for every new offer. This is really useful because people mostly hate to get annoyed by the phone ringing just to inform them about a new product or service.
Posted by Inbound Marketing

Easiest Way To Promote Your Product

In this modern era, people spent more time while they are on the mouse and be the internet surfers for at least 12 hours per day, Inbound Marketing technique will be more votes for your business to promote the products and services. Moreover, according to the numbers of people who have spent more than 12 he our per day on internet activity, they will be known A to Z about your product more clearly rather than if you do the outbound marketing methods which is having a traditional likely principles. By taking some advantages of the modern eras products such as Email, internet, SEO articles, website, home pages, blog, and many more, your product can easily go public within the promotion on TV and the other ways of such traditional promotion techniques.

Due to its way to attract more customers through the internet technology, this marketing system will needs more cyber or virtual employers to handling the promotion on every page, email, blog, social media such as Twitter or Facebook. But, you will also need the employee at the desk to handling the articles making and linking process on that article. When you have complete both two parts of those, you will have the bigger chance to attract more consumers through the Inbound Marketing system.
Posted by Inbound Marketing

Sehatkah Mengkonsumsi Abon?

Siapa yang tak mengenal abon? Sebagian besar masyarakat saat ini pasti tidak asing dengan jenis makanan yang terbuat dari daging hewan ini. Bentuknya yang seperti serat memanjang dengan rasa yang gurih biasanya dijadikan pilihan sebagai pelengkap makanan. Sajiannya yang siap santap menjadikan abon layaknya makanan cepat saji yang praktis dan enak. Tapi amankah mengkonsumsi abon?

Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Posted by Inbound Marketing

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